Keep A Bright Smile With These Teeth Whiting Tips

Many foods and drinks can dull or stain your teeth, so you will want to whiten them. Fortunately, there is a wide variety of effective methods for teeth whitening, which will return your youthful smile. You deserve to have the best smile possible, and can, if you choose to follow some simple suggestions.

This technique will not damage your teeth like some of the whitening strips that can be purchased. Splash it around a bit in your mouth while you are showering, but be careful not to swallow. Do this every 3 days.

Sip some water when you are drinking wine, soda, tea, or coffee. These beverages stain the teeth, especially if you are in the habit of drinking them often. Drinking water afterward will help you keep your mouth as clean as possible. You can prevent stains as well by brushing your teeth after drinking these liquids.

Before starting a program to whiten your teeth, you should visit your dentist to have any untreated cavities or gum disease problems taken care of. You are going to have to take extra precaution when whitening your teeth. Talk with your dentist about whether or not teeth whitening is a good option for you.

Stop smoking cigarettes. Research has shown that both the nicotine in the cigarettes and the smoke that goes into your mouth discolor your teeth.

Use the directions and follow them closely for any whitening system you use at home. Instead, it will irritate your mouth, inflame your gums and could even damage your teeth. Always use your whitening products according to directions as stated in the packaging.

As you have now learned, there is no need to ruin your appearance with less-than-white teeth. When you whiten your teeth with the information above, you will be more confident and smile more during the day.

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